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Highlights of the events

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沿途飽覽維港景色後,童軍健兒於龍虎山郊野公園進行集體遊戲,並獲贈送愛心禮物。(鳴謝David Wong捐贈禮物)





《鋼鐵蒼穹》(Iron Sky)慈善首映禮

2012年9月22日,港富慈善基金贊助由年輕芬蘭導演執導的《鋼鐵蒼穹》(Iron Sky)慈善首映禮。




《鋼鐵蒼穹》(IRON SKY) 的概念是由三個年輕的芬蘭電影製片人共同啟發。在拍攝他們首部電影《星際殘骸》的最後一天,三人一起前往住所的小桑拿房休息,其中一人心生納粹藏匿在月球黑暗面的想法並構思拍成電影,但各人大笑並認為這將永不可能實現。






有關《鋼鐵蒼穹》(IRON SKY) 的誕生和成功,與及劇情簡介,請按此。

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中午由天水圍出發,乘搭旅遊車到科技大學參觀及在校園餐廳享用豐富自助餐。鳴謝彩豆創意工房David Wong,讓小朋友餐後能親手製作DIY小禮物,亦讓港富集團員工能參與及樂在其中。


2013年4月24 日,仁德基金會籌集到了來自香港港富慈善基金會的十萬元善款,支持四川雅安的地震救災工作。








About Xujiatan Primary School

Xujiatan Primary School was founded in 1929, is situated in Taguan Village, Kangle County, Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, China. It is a full six-year village-level primary school. The campus covers an area of 5,960 m2, and construction area of 807 m2.

There are six classes running, plus an affiliated kindergarten. Among those 295 students, there are 122 girls, 156 ethnic minorities, and 83 ethnic minority girls. Currently there are 14 teachers, with 8 female teachers, 3 ethnic minorities and 2 female ethnic minority teachers.

The school has a long history, but due to limited resources and conditions, there has not been any large-scale renovation or addition of equipments. The 196 sets of school desks and chairs from the school has yet to have been replaced since day 1, which is unimaginable for the affluent new generation in the cities.

Hail for the new desks and chairs

On 20 March, 2014, 300 sets of desks and chairs donated by Concord Fortune Charity Fund had been delivered in place to Xujiatan Primary School located in Kangle County, Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu Province.

Xujiatan Primary School was first built in 1929. Countless talents were cultivated through its nearly hundred-year of history. Meanwhile, many facilities in the school have fallen into disrepair along with the perseverance in contributing in education. Especially those 196 sets of desks and chairs in the classroom, due to limited resources, they have never been replaced since day one, resulting in a dilapidated state which in turn affected the learning environment of students.

To carry through the mission of Concord Fortune Charity Fund that to help underprivileged children to equip themselves through education and proper training,  the Board of the Fund decided to donate 300 sets of hardwood single-person desks and chairs to the school, in order to improve the learning ambience.

The school organised a welcoming ceremony for the new furniture. The headmaster, Mr Xiaopeng Duan, repeated invited representatives of the Fund to attend the ceremony, and he would present souvenir as a tribute to the low-profile charity.

In consideration of reducing unnecessary traffic and administrative expenses, the Director of the Fund declined the Headmaster’s invitation with great courtesy. In fact, it is the greatest reward for all the members of Concord Fortune Charity Fund to witness the happy faces of the children who are learning pleasantly on the brand new desks and chairs.

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Spring Charity Barefoot Walk for Children

Renewed violence in July 2016 and food insecurity continue to add challenges to the already-torn children and families of South Sudan. All funds raised from the walk this year will certainly alleviate the conditions by bringing much-needed aid to them.

Concord Fortune Charity Team

We are trudging, we are hiking


For child health


For child eduation


For child safely


For our social integration


And for a better tomorrow


We are the ones who make a brighter day


So let's start trudging

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Inclusion Under the Starry Night

The "Stargaze Camp for All & the Blind" is a large-scale voluntary event in Hong Kong. This year makes the 7th stargaze camp since it's first lunch in 2010.

港富獻愛心 真情暖人心


2014-2015年,港富基金會已連續兩年對甘肅省臨夏州康樂縣徐家灘小學5名貧困生進行資助。 持續性地支助為孩子們的學習生活提供了有力的保障,在支助一年後,有4位受助孩子的學業成績均有不同程度的提升。



儀式由徐家灘小學校長段小鵬主持,段校長向學生及家長介紹了2015港富基金會助學金的籌集情況及申領事項。 儀式上,段校長還勉勵大家要建立信心,克服困難,繼續增強學習的動力,培育良好的學習素養,積極主動參與學校的學習勞動,爭取早日成才。 隨後,受助學生及監護人對港富基金會表達了真誠的謝意,希望心懷感恩,勤奮學習,立志成才,將來用實際行動回報社會。

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Multimedia Classroom

The tasks of education aid cannot be accomplished in one day, but a long way to go. It resembles a passionate teacher who is dedicated relentless in teaching. In addition to uphold the proposition that the underprivileged children should have equal learning opportunity, Concord Fortune Charity Fund also committed to improving the quality of learning, which in turn provides the students a more comprehensive development.

Following the donation of desks and chairs to Xujiatan Primary School situated in Gansu Province, PRC, Concord Fortune Charity Fund still keeps the concern about the development of the school and actively maintains communication with the Headmaster, Xiaopeng DUAN, to understand their urgent needs.

In the era of rapid development of information technology, Smartphones and Tablet PCs are “close friends” to the children in cities, and some of them even crave for new models from time to time. On the other hand in remote areas where the children live in poverty, a computer is just like a stranger.

To shorten the distance with this "stranger", the Fund has bestowed a fully furnished multimedia classroom upon the campus, along with laptop, projector and other equipments. Thanks to technology, teachers can now show the students something that is hardly reachable, but also not contained on textbooks. Attributed to technology, it can broaden the scope of the students. Moreover, with animations and sound, the interest in learning can be highly stimulated.

From the Headmaster, the Directors of the Fund realised that there are five students, who were proven to be in poverty or orphans, are living in extremely difficult condition. The BOD of the Fund has come up to the decision that to confer RMB 800 / year / person grants to alleviate their immediate need.



Concord Fortune Charity Fund Limited was established in 2011 by Concord Fortune Group as an approved charity institution under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance of the HKSAR.

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